Educational Technology Resources
An Interactive Whiteboard for every classroom
A Chromebook for every teacher K-12
A classroom set of iPads for every PK-2 classroom
A Chromebook for every 3-12 student
1 Chromebook Lab in CVES, and 2 Chromebook Labs in WES
Mobile iPad labs in WES and CVES
2 Mobile Cisco Telepresence Carts available for distance learning, video field trips and videoconferencing
Google Apps for Education accounts for every K-12 student.
Borderless Classroom for K-12 students and teachers
Custom Apps with web resources for students in each school.
Other features of the program:
Television studios in each building
Student-led recording crew for music performances
CAD, Robotics, and Business Student Computer Labs in WMS and WHS
3D Printing Lab in HS/MS LMC
Video network to show live content to classrooms and local TV