Coon Valley Elementary School
5/24 Books for Breakfast 7:15 am - 7:40 am
6/3 Family Potluck Picnic and S.T.E.A.M. Night 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
6/5 4th Gr. Awards and Bridging Ceremony 10:00 am
Westby Elementary School
May 17th - IMPACT Chicken Q 4-730 or until sold out.
May 22nd- last day of Headstart
May 28th- 4th Grade Fun Night 5-7
May 30th- 4K Graduation 6PM
June 5th- 4th Grade Bridge 1130am
June 10th-21st Summer School Kick off
June 24th-July 3rd Swim and Read
July 8th-19th Swimming Lessons
August 5th-16th Jumpstart
Westby Area Middle School
5/18 6th grade Band march in Kiddie Parade
5/19 7/8 Band march in Syttende Mai Parade
5/20 MS Choir Concert
5/28 5th grade to KVR
6/3 8th grade to High Rollers, 6th grade to Vernon Square/Bigley pool
6/4 8th grade Promotion @1:00
5/6 grades to Stoddard Park