City of Westby

Business Owners & Residents,

 We finally have traffic on some new concrete.  The detour route has been paved and bidirectional traffic can resume along Bekkedal and Coon Prairie.  Please be mindful that the stop signs at State Street have been removed and you have to stop on Bekkedal.

 Thank you for your patience as the contractor has begun working through downtown with removals and widening intersections for easier access.  Removals will continue this week and into next week and storm sewer installations and grading will begin.  Concrete is anticipated to be placed on the westbound lanes of STH 27 to USH 14 near Hansen’s next week.  A few cross streets will remain closed during the next few weeks during removal and grading operations.  Please utilize an adjacent street for access in the interim.

 We are aware and working through a few locations where the temporary asphalt lanes are beginning to buckle.  Hot temperatures and heavy traffic have been accelerating these issues.  The contractor will be maintaining these areas by patching until a more permanent solution can be organized.

 If your property now falls within the work area, please be patient as the contractors move along.  They should be notifying you of impacts to your access.  Some mailboxes will need to be relocated during this process and you should receive a letter if this applies to you.

 Pedestrian accommodations are being adjusted to the next stage of work and once fully implemented, a new map will be provided for route clarification.

 Enjoy your weekend!



Elizabeth Reis
Project Manager
1222 N Superior Avenue, Tomah, WI 54660
Teams  Teams