April 20, 2023
The 5/1/2023 JV softball doubleheader @ Westby vs. La Crescent has been rescheduled for 5/5/2023 starting at 4:30 pm.

April 20, 2023
The 4/20/2023 V/JV Softball games @ Viroqua have been rescheduled to 4/24/2023. The 5/1/2023 JV softball doubleheader @ Westby vs. La Crescent has been postponed. We will b...

April 20, 2023
The 4/20/2023 V/JV softball games @ Viroqua have been postponed. We are working on a reschedule date.

April 20, 2023
The track meet scheduled for today in Westby has been cancelled. This meet will not be rescheduled.

April 20, 2023
The 4/17/2023 JV baseball game @ Westby vs. Cashton has been rescheduled to 5/1/2023 beginning at 5:00 pm. The game will be at the Westby City Field.

April 20, 2023
On 4/24/2023 we added a varsity baseball game vs. Seneca. The game will begin at 5:00 pm at the Westby City Field. The 4/20/2023 V/JV baseball games @ CFC have been changed to...

April 19, 2023
The 4/18/2023 V/JV softball games @ GET have been rescheduled to 4/27/2023 @ GET. In order to reschedule a conference event at GET the 4/27/2023 V/JV softball games @ Westby we...

April 18, 2023
The 4/18/2023 varsity and JV softball games scheduled for GET have been postponed. We are working to find a reschedule date.

April 18, 2023
4/17/2023 Boys' JV Golf - Postponed 4/24/2023 - Reschedule @ Coulee Golf Bowl 4/18/2023 Boys' Golf @ Fox Hollow - Postponed -- Rescheduled - 5/2/2023 @ Fox Hollow

April 17, 2023
The 4/17/2023 JV boys' golf match @ Coulee Golf Bowl has been postponed. This will be rescheduled if a date is available.

April 17, 2023
4/25/2023 Softball Update
1. V/JV Softball @ Aquinas - Permanently Cancelled 2. V Softball vs. DeSoto Home - Permanently Cancelled 3. JV Softball vs. Onalaska Home - Now B...

April 17, 2023
The 4/18/2023 V/JV Baseball games home vs. Luther have been postponed. These games will be rescheduled upon securing an open date for both schools.

April 17, 2023
Mr. Brian Huebner ran the Boston Marathon in a time of 3:37:03 on Saturday, April 15, 2023. CONGRATULATIONS MR. HUEBNER....WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!

April 17, 2023
Tonight the Viroqua Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2707 held their annual award banquet for Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS.
We proudly congratulate our very own Officer Jamal ...

April 17, 2023
FFA students drove their Tractors to school on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

April 17, 2023
Both the varsity baseball game vs. Sparta and JV baseball game vs. Cashton on 4/17/2023 scheduled for Westby have been postponed. We are working on rescheduling both events if po...

April 17, 2023
The 4/17/2023 varsity and JV softball games @ Aquinas has been postponed. These games have been rescheduled for 4/25/2023. The 4/25/2023 varsity softball game vs. DeSoto and J...

April 12, 2023
**FROZEN JR REMINDER** There's still time to sign up to be part of Frozen Jr.!!!! The information packet can be found here: Frozen Jr. - SIGN UP/INFORMATION PACKET
If y...

April 12, 2023
The Westby Area School District is pleased to add the Classroom portion of Drivers’ Education to its Summer School curriculum.
The 30 hour online class will be FREE OF CHARGE...

April 11, 2023
This year's Prom will be held at Pedretti's Party Barn on Saturday, April 15, 2023 from 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm. The Post Prom party will take place a Nordic Lanes from 11:00 pm - 2...