An online store is now open - both kids and adult sizes
Click on this link to enter the store:
The sale will end on August 1, 2024 - and you will have your items before school begins.
Please note: this is just one of many opportunities you will have to purchase Westby apparel.
(items will be packaged and delivered to your child's school for you to pick up on Welcome Back Night)
This is a fundraiser to benefit the PAES lab in both the Westby Area Middle School and High School
What is the PAES lab?
The PAES lab is a Practical Assessment Exploration System. This training program helps to systematically teach job skills to increase student employability, in turn increasing their opportunities to find employment following graduation. There are five different categories of tasks. These categories are Consumer/Service, Business/Marketing, Processing/Production, Construction/Industrial, and Computer/Technology. WASD purchased this lab in September of 2023. However, materials need to be replaced (such as construction materials, cooking ingredients, office supplies, etc) in order for the PAES lab to continue to function and serve students the way that it is intended.