Residents & Business Owners,
The contractor is anticipating the traffic will be switched to the roundabout and new lanes on Thursday. As a reminder, the contractor will be installing additional devices for the winter after traffic has been moved onto the roundabout. There are additional signs that must be installed after traffic is switched, as well. Please be patient while these final items are installed. These devices will help with navigation of the roundabout so please drive carefully until lanes have been clearly defined with these devices and directional signs are in place.
Access to WCCU and Nordic Lanes will be available from the new frontage road. The new frontage road intersects with USH 14 near the westernmost WCCU access.
Additional pavement markings will need to be installed at a later date, as Thursday’s temperatures will not fall into an acceptable range for that work to be completed.
Areas with “exposed topsoil” have been treated with a soil stabilizer for winter. This material is clear. These areas will have any final restoration completed in the spring. Please try to leave these areas undisturbed until work can resume next year.
Enjoy the rest of your week and we look forward to successful completion of this project in 2025.
Elizabeth Reis |